Along with Somalians, Yemenis, Cubans, Iranians and a few others - Russian citizens were designated as homeless nationality. Immigrant visa cases for Russia designated as homeless cases.
Now, all those IV cases pending interview will be scheduled for a visa interview at the US embassy in Warsaw, Poland.
More details and clarifications from the Department of State and USCIS to follow this announcement.
Briefly in Russian:
21 октября 2021 закон был изменен и российские граждане ожидающие интервью на визу в США были квалифицированы как "лица без гражданства", и дела по иммиграционным визам россиян как дела лиц без гражданства.
Наравне с гражданами таких стран как Сомалия, Иран, Куба и некоторые другие, которые также признаны лицами без гражданства в целях получения иммиграционных виз в США - дела по выдаче иммиграционных виз граждан России будут рассматриваться за пределами России, а именно в американском посольстве в Варшаве Польше.
Детали и инструкции должны быть опубликованы скоро.
9 FAM 504.4-8(E)(1) (U) Definition of Homeless Cases
(CT:VISA-1398; 10-21-2021)
a. (U) Generally, a homeless visa applicant is one who is a national of a country in which the United States has no consular representation or in which the political or security situation is tenuous or uncertain enough that the limited consular staff is not authorized to process IV applications. Countries whose nationals are considered homeless are listed in paragraph b below.
b. (U) List of Homeless Nationalities:
Cubans - Georgetown
Eritreans - Addis Ababa and Nairobi
Iranians - Abu Dhabi, Ankara, and Yerevan
Russians - Warsaw
Libyans - Tunis
Somalis - Nairobi
South Sudanese - Nairobi
Syrians - Amman, Beirut (For Palestinians with Syrian Travel Documents)
Venezuelans - Bogota
Yemenis - Djibouti
9 FAM 504.4-8(E)(2) (U) Location of Homeless Applicant
(CT:VISA-1; 11-18-2015)
a. (U) Homeless Physically Present in the United States: Applicants residing in the United States may elect to apply for adjustment of status with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the provisions of INA 245(i), and thus rarely require visa processing abroad.
b. (U) Homeless Physically Present in a Third Country: Homeless applicants residing in a third country are processed at the same IV processing post as are nationals of that country. Posts must accept for processing any IV applicant who is physically present in their consular district, provided the applicant has the permission of the host government to remain there legally for a period sufficient to complete processing of the application. This does not include persons who have been determined not to be refugees, and who are subject to return to their country of origin.
c. (U) Homeless Physically Present in Home Country: The Visa Office (VO) has designated specific posts to process IV applications from these homeless applicants. (See 9 FAM 504.4-8(E)(1) above for a list of nationalities considered homeless and the posts selected to process such cases.)
9 FAM 504.4-8(E)(3) (U) Processing Homeless Cases
(CT:VISA-986; 12-18-2019)
(U) The National Visa Center (NVC) will screen and assign all petitions for homeless beneficiaries to the appropriate post for processing. The original post code will be maintained in instances where that benefits operations at NVC and post.